Finding further help with Bible storytelling

Finding further help with Bible storytelling

Bible storytelling is one of my passions. I am convinced that it is a special method of sharing truth that allows people to ‘swallow’ it much more easily. By ‘swallow,’ I don’t necessarily mean accept but that it is a form that they can hear the message. Many other forms cause people to choke, even though the message is good.

Day by day we are learning more about this art of communication. The website that accompanies the book is a huge part of the process. A book is unchangeable unless a second edition is allowed. The website allows us to update and keep adding things.

  • We also have a Facebook group called ‘Storying the Scriptures.’ This group is a ‘closed’ group which means you need to ask permission to join. This FB group allows people to ask questions, request prayer, share resources …

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