Large print format now available

Large print format now available

Sydney has been in lockdown due to Covid-19 for several months. This has enabled me to work through a long to-do list of book-related things. One of the things has been to make sure that my novels are available in large print.

If you have ever considered ordering my books for your local library – now would be a great time to do it and ordering in large print would be a huge help. Most libraries allow you to suggest books that they order. They will mostly do this through a company called Ingram Spark using these ISBN numbers.

Grace in Strange Disguise 9780645174908

Grace in the Shadows 9780645174915

Grace in Deep Waters 9780645174922

Grace in the Desert 9780645174939

Grace Beneath the Frost 9780645174946

Grace Across the Miles 9780645354751

Large print books can also be ordered through Amazon and Barnes and Noble (for U.S. readers).

I am working towards having all my fiction in four formats: Audio, ebooks, print, Large Print.

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